Saturday, July 27, 2013


a)A referee who moves quickly on his patrol pass is more likely to inspire confidence.
b)A physically fit referee should be able to maintain maximum activity for the whole of the game.
c)It is more often helpful to move to the extreme limits of the field of play than half way the run.
d)Movements in the field should be developed so that clear views of incidents are maintained while keeping of play itself.
e)It is advisable to avoid turning your back on the ball/players.Running backwards into position.
f)As a referee,stopsketching or dramatising blow and indicate which way the ball is going.
g)Avoid being surrounded by players when situations get tense or in protest(mass confrotantions).

1)It is generally accepted that referee's task is basically controlling the game,which means controlling the players and control must involve correct application of the seventeen laws.
2)In order to maintain control a referee needs to be fit

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